The Product Security Certification Program (PSCP) is a managed certification program for the use of Microsoft Office Applications such as Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. It is an ISO 27001 Certified Management System (MSMS) that focuses on training employees in order to perform tasks in a safe and secure manner. It also teaches users how to prevent remote access attacks. To make sure that the Product Security Certification Program is as complete as possible, it includes test solutions for all parts of the Office Suite. This includes installing and running all Microsoft Office applications and the Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet.
The free application that you can download for your exam is called AppScan. You can download this application from the Microsoft Download Center. The application scans and validates all the Windows systems that you run. If the ScanTool flag is set to "verify," you will be able to test your system without having to install any application on it. It is able to detect all issues including ActiveX controls, Active Directory integration, and unknown object directory errors. If you run into any errors while trying to run AppScan, you can always run a manual scan and invalidate the current registry.
After you have scanned your system, you can then test the application on the first folder in your test environment. This is the folder that contains all the files that are used in your Windows setup. All of the files you need will be placed here. Once you have run the application on this folder, you will need to go back to AppScan's interface, click on the "Verify" button and then click "OK." AppScan will now show you the results of the scan. After clicking "OK," you will then have the opportunity to examine your system.